Friday, March 26, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
The Hypocritic Oath
WARNING: Graphic picture at end of this article, placed after links.
The sound of rolling a joint. (Written July 2009)
Not so long ago my favorite series wound up, Battlestar Galactica re-imagined. ( Funny how that word re-imagined keeps cropping up around here, an LA connection maybe. )
Battlestar was known for it's cutting edge content and reversal of gender stero-typing roles; essentially rehabilitating the Sci Fi genre from the sole domain of socially maladjusted young men into a medium for everybody.
In the final season of the show, the directors slipped in a scene with a sly wink and nudge that reflected the ultra laid back progressive 'tude' of Vancouver Canada where it was filmed. A couple of my favorite actors playing naturally a couple of my favorite characters on the show pulled out a big phatty of a joint and smoked it. "Don't worry, it's medicinal." was the disclaimer line written in for the TV censors and the DEA to get the show safely on air and of course everyone here in Vancouver smiled at the cheekiness of displaying Vancouver's "other" most popular past time right there on mainstream TV.
With a puff, the characters, Laura and Adama enjoyed a quiet moment of relaxed insight amidst the chaos of their lives; she suffering from cancer and he herding the rag tag remains of the human race on a self fulfilling prophecy, just as most prophecies are. Dopamine cascade serotonin inhibited transcendence.
Why this moment stands out to me however, is for what I would read in the news a month or two later. The cast of Battlestar attended a mock United Nations and in it, the actor playing Adama, James Edward Olmos went on a bit of a hypocritical rant. Now, to be fair, James warned his other cast members that he probably should not attend this event because he tends to be a little outspoken - something I myself know nothing about. (Riiiiiiiight?)
What was James's rant about? He lambasted the governments of the world for not sending in peace keepers to help stabilize his cultural home country of Mexico in it's struggle to contain the drug cartels from taking over large swaths of the country. (Swaths - I love that word - more on that another time.)
This is where I did my double take. James lad, if you feel so passionately about fighting the new world royalty, the drug barons, why are you advertising their products in an internationally lauded series. If you want to send a clear message, start by refusing a scene where you smoke a joint. Is it really a stretch to see how sparking up here directly ties in to the bodiless heads found far to frequently in Mexico. Allow me to link the chain of how we are all connected.
Lets start by how we rationalize: Do you like it hard, or soft?
I know, I know, the Mexican Drug Cartels deal primarily in cocaine a "hard drug" and BC's main cash crop is pot, a "soft drug" so it's not the same thing right? Riiiiiight? This is part of the rational pedagogy that no longer applies in a drug trade where everything is interconnected. Mexican and Colombian coke, Asian heroin, ecstasy and methamphetamine, BC Bud. What about the other arguments?
How about, nature gooood, man made baaaaaad. Right?
Pot is soft, it is not addictive, right?
Pot is not as psychologically damaging, right?
We can rationalize anything. We can craft data to say anything.
I understand where James is coming from. In Mexico, just as it has been in Columbia for some time, the government is losing control to the drug cartels who use fear of their brutal methods to keep control. It is not just fear and violence that make the drug cartels so powerful, these organizations make the biggest of big bucks; upper millions to billions of dollars poured back into the sole task of circumventing government and selling more drugs. They make more money than many countries do and where they can focus their resources on the one task of selling drugs, the governments that try and control them have to spread their own budgets on governing a country of which policing is just one part. Governments are by design, at least in the west, out in the open and accountable to law which also makes them easy targets in the physical world as people, in the virtual world as accounts and assets and in the virtual world as information and identity.
Of the gangs in middle and South America, everyone knows you do not dare speak out about them or you will wind up having your head rolled out on a dance floor in a night club.... Have a look at the articles I have linked below if you want to understand what I am talking about. Don't say anything. Be happy and keep dancing and buying. Could that happen here?
I guess James, like I and so many others did not bother to find out that pot producers trade their product to coke dealers so that each business can move their product without a paper trail to be traced. Just like any other industry, it's all interconnected so when you smoke up a spliff on prime time James, your actually advertising for the drug cartels in Mexico. That product your enjoying was used to pay for the coke which comes form Mexico so they can buy the guns and gangs to......
Hey, we all mean well. We have all taken the hypocritic oath of saying one thing but doing another. It is always so easy to rationalize away our own sins and damn if it isn't even easier to point the finger at others than ourselves. Aren't I doing that right now?
In Vancouver, we have built a city on it.
You see in Vancouver, the quiet open secret is that the drug trade is one of the biggest economies in our province, employing more people than other major industries and worth upwards of 7 BILLION dollars. Put that into context of the VPD annual budget of about $170 million dollars and we start to get a picture. I would imagine that Police forces across the country where not already compromised like in South America, simply manage the very low end interactions to make it appear that something is being done. It's a loosing battle with significant consequences for everyone. We are all connected, remember.
Vancouver's "other" new culture.
While our law enforcement agencies have to stay accountable to our laws and follow procedures like applying for wire taps and warrants to track suspected baddies, (often those whom the drug trade sacrifices for bad behaviour), there is nothing to stop other organizations with funding and these days often better training and equipment from targeting individuals and companies at will with technology, hackers and moles.
A well funded drug trade has been reshaping Vancouver culture for the last twenty years with their technology, immense funding and no laws they feel responsible to except their own and manipulation of policy, policing and public. Lets put it another way; you know who you pay your internet and phone bill to, but do you know who your service technician or your IT guy running your network also gets a paycheck from?
At 7 billion a year Criminologist Stephen Schneider points out there are people from every strata in our society and in every profession, every income level involved. The ones at the top don't get caught as frequently because they are by definition, more powerful, sometimes smarter and have better lawyers. In short the drug trade is a defining industry for British Columbia, like film, lumber and tourism and of course you can find many of the same mixing from top to bottom because after all, the spice must flow.
Did you actually think the housing boom of the last two decades was just caused by investment from China? Well sort of. It was also funded by the commercialization of BC's mom and pop drug industry by international gangs from Asia and South America turning BC into THE production and distribution hub for ecstasy and methamphetamine for North America and no one wants it to stop because if it goes, so do all the shiny cars and realtor profits. A cultural mecca indeed.
But everything has a cost, even money.
Vancouver, once a quiet British Canadian town now the shining gateway to Asia and the Pacific is how this city is billed by some. It has indeed gone through a radical change as I have witnessed growing up in my hometown.. What no historian or anthropologist has looked at objectively that I am aware of is the effect on the society, the personality and culture of a city or region where most of it's population are hiding their participation in a large, lucrative underground economy about which they dare not speak out or they will risk loosing access to either their high income or just their high. It is a common misconception that democracy is attacked from the top down by oppressive governments and media, but I would say the opposite is true.
When the lessons taught by drug cartels are applied to interpersonal relationships in the streets of a city, there is a consequence. The dealer makes a circle of friends each she or he tests for loyalty and in turn promotes the best and censors the others and nothing builds strong bonds quicker than "chemical bonding" - the artificial sensation that a group of people have shared an experience caused by interacting while on drugs.
Relationships built on secretive cliques, pawning to demonstrate power, control, dominance and gang like loyalty become the accepted norm because now, relationships are business. Relationships are worth cash.
The culture of Vancouver is being molded by the industry that pays it's way; woe be it if you cross it's chain of command. The old stogy image of Big Brother oppressive big government has been replaced by a new force of Big Sister which may be worse. No blue line and billy clubs here, she rules with prada and facebook. Refined. Riiiiight
As Schneider points out, "BC drug gangs learned from huge Colombian cartels of the 1990's to create the corporate hierarchical structures," And those structures are changing the very nature of who we are on the West Coast. As local gangs work more closely in conjunction with gangs from Columbia, Mexico and Asia, the people, their power and value systems are also being imported.
Vancouver of the pre 1990'ies could have been described as quaint and eclectic where pot and mushrooms typified of a mom and pop style hippy culture, but that changed in the 90'ies along with everything else. The now industrialized drug trade became big business and attracted big players from South America and Asia and those in Vancouver wanting to move up the social and economic ladders of the city quickly made friends and the first rules of the new censorship were established. "We don't talk about that."
The question is, as this dynamic becomes entrenched, will we too see people here become as they are in Mexico or Columbia or even China, afraid to talk about what is going on around them for fear of being smeared by one side or the other, or worse? Is it s stretch to see the future of Mexico or Columbia here in BC. The renowned Economist magazine has already called BC, "Columbia North" because of our episodes of violent gang warfare. Some would say bitterly and uncaringly, karma. Karma for the Opium War but the truest harvest of our drug trade here in BC is only that bitterness. Bitterness growing in a shell of secrecy.
These drugs, soft or hard, natural or synthetic, herbal, sacred or recreational are traded for guns, favours, censorship and power. Is Mexico's present our future?
It is a lot to think about every time you do a bump, take a drag or draught of your favorite poison, I mean, along with how you have already rationalized that yours is less harmful that "theirs", they, the despicable "other". It's easy to forget it is all the same industry.
The War on Drugs. Its ours to win or lose and the best way to win might not be whats expected but first we have to decide who or what is the enemy.
Past Fading into the Future
Drugs have always been a part of history and societies one way or another, from European Druids to Native Indian Shamans. They are used by the very tops of society as recognized recently by the Alberta Solicitor Generals call for the white collar class of Alberta to stop doing coke if they want to see a reduction in gang violence. It is evidenced by the positive cocaine swabs returned from a test of bathrooms in the EU parliament. ( See the links below ). It is used on the streets.
So are drugs bad? Evil? It seems to me they have no self determination. Just as a bullet can be put in the gun of a police officer or a thug, who is to say how it will be used by either and so it is with drugs. If as a society we decide we want them then we have to legalize them because if we do not, the organizations making money off them and gaining power through them will continue to erode Canada as they have Columbia and Mexico. Left to powerful people with unspoken agendas different than the spoken ones of the crown of this country, our country will in a foreseeable future cease to exist as we know it and our laws will become meaningless; just like the shells of Mexico and Columbia. Countries tearing themselves apart from the inside.
If we decide we want to eradicate them then we have a huge task or re educating and enforcing this that will result in Canada changing as well into a military state, that is, if we mean business.
If drugs are evil it is because we let them be. The best way to control them it seems to me is to take them out of the hands of those that make them evil. "Re-imagine" how government and society use them and oh and in the that process, governments might make a dime or two for the health care system which otherwise would be treating illegal drug users and keeps getting cut back.
Then James, Mary and most of the world it seems could spark one if they choose without the sound of heads rolling.
Alberta Solicitor General
The Economist
Gang Wars
EU Parliament Cocaine
WARNING: Graphic Picture Below

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Serving the meat before we serve the gravy.
In writing this blog portraying and in some cases defending a British Canadian's perspective, I am doing something that many might find distasteful, making a stand. It's something we British and British Canadians have a history of doing only at the last minute, when our back is against the wall and even then only when rallied by a Shakespeare, a Churchill or perhaps a vivacious viscount of vengeance vexing a venerable villain such as V. An improbable people made of Hobbits and Aragorns as another British writer once wrote of, who have shown to be the key players in the formation of the free world as we know it and have proven to often be the last line of defense when some great shadow looms. The keepers of the light. We often find ourselves in conflict with those peoples who would spread the dark values counter to ours, deceit, fear, the rule of a hidden few. We are the wielders of the written word and that is our sword and shield starting from the time of the Magna Carta Libertatum (The Great Charter of Freedoms) until today. Freedom of Speech and Freedom to Be, is at the core of who we are and every country the British have played a part in forming.
Of course, words can be used by anyone who has the strength and skill to handle them and so I will also address in this blog, how, particularly on the West Coast of Canada, they are being used to attack
Setting the stage:
It is not hard to tear us down. From the very beginning
What is alarming to me is when people from other cultures come to
A Brief history of now:
My life in
Looking back at
The turn over of
But that is not how the Chinese government wanted it portrayed. The Chinese government has been teaching it's population for years that the West and the British in particular humiliated
The Chinese government through its teachings at home and now abroad is in fact promoting their own century of humiliation against the British as retribution. Here in
Of course, times have changed and Britian's influence on the surface of things at least is waning. Some pragmatists might say, well, if
Is that really all that we are; opinions and history and our future for sale to the highest bidder of the moment? Well that would be a very short sighted approach but then again I am taking an Asian perspective, I am thinking long term in defending my own culture.
Move over "Big Brother", here comes “Little Sister.”Gone are the trunchons and bullhorns, here come the networking sites and smartphones. The war going on out here on the streets of
If I can paraphrase the CBC documentary, "Love, Hate and Propaganda", the first act of aggression in war is the assault on the publics opinion. Choose your punch lines and hammer the message out in academia, arts and media until it “is” fact. Leverage guilt, anger, indignation and fear to get others to fight for you. “Victim Power,” a term coined by feminists is now being packaged for anyone with an angle. Let’s face it, in the west, guilt is gold if you can make it pay and we excel in tearing ourselves down. Just look at any parliament.
Getting Personal:
At first I did not understand I was a foot soldier and mostly a target in this dynamic. Comments made to me by some of the Chinese and even Irish community in
The instance that showed me beyond a shadow of a doubt that this was a war against who I was and that I was neither imagining this nor was it going to go away, was when I was working in my community garden and a Chinese couple stopped and started talking to me. Lets give you a bit of perspective, I flew a British and a British Columbian flag over my garden as a bit of character.
The conversation started with a smile and compliments on how beautiful my garden was and then the man looked over my shoulder ( at my neighbors garden coincidentally ) and told me my poppies were very big and beautiful. I said thanks but they were my neighbors. He did not seem to hear me I thought, because he asked me again if I liked poppies. I said sure but by this time starting to realize that this was another, not so innocent conversation. His wife was moving away by this point not looking entirely comfortable to her credit. He finished off with a comment to the effect that he was not allowed to grow poppies in
That is an example of one of the more polite street level interactions you might encounter. If you are a Brit or a Brit Canadian here and not aware of or prepared to stand up for your role in history, you are going to get blind sided by those who try to use history as a weapon.
And when that history is being re-written to suit a particular agenda, the blades get sharper still. Usually that is left to the victors but some have learnt that you can create victory, if you just convince enough people to believe in your version of history and your version of the future. I am referring to the Academic war against British Canadian History and one of it's main proponent showed his true colours with a very judgmental and poorly thought out article on Feb. 1 edition of the Vancouver Sun entitled Vancouver's not so quiet Revolution. He is a UBC professor named Henry Yu.
Yu's pattern is easy to recognize, simple and effective. It is also a typically disrespectful if not hateful one with catch phrases straight out of a PRC propaganda do it yourself book such as "Colonial English" and "white supremacy" referring to modern Canada. His aim is to unite every created "other" against the Canadian white male particularly of British descent or has he terms it, "Anglophone
In his opening paragraph of his Feb 1,
"On the eve of the Winter Olympics, there is a not-so-quiet revolution going on here every bit as important as that which transformed Quebec a half a century ago, even if the anglophone journalists and commentators of this city and of our nation seem oblivious to its consequences.
Inexorably, the tenor of civic debate in this city is no longer being carried out only in the colonial language of English. But rather than in French, it is in a multiplicity of Asian languages -- Mandarin, Cantonese, Punjabi, Tagalog -- that the voices of people long silenced are talking. What are they discussing? Important issues that bespeak both the deep colonial past of "British"
His basic premise seems to follow along two trains of thought; minorities which will soon be majorities within the Vancouver city limits are not having enough of their homeland languages recognized and that the Vancouver neighborhood of Kitsalano is inherently racist because it has not followed the pattern of becoming 30% or more Asian.
He says in irate wealth Canadian yuppie form...
"It struck me last weekend when I was shopping in Kitsilano what an aberration that neighborhood is -- one of the few areas in Vancouver that has not been transformed in the last three decades by new migration from Asia. Kits, for instance, does not have a significant ethnic Chinese Canadian presence in a city where almost every other neighborhood has percentages of ethnic Chinese that range from 20% to 55%. What is wrong with Kits? The same thing that is wrong with so many newsrooms and boardrooms in Vancouver, where a quick glance around at who shapes opinion and leadership decisions reveals a blinding uniformity of faces as white as driven snow."
Mr Yu. (Exasperated sigh.) Too many white faces for your liking? They must all be "...those nasty Brit's eh?" to quote the a Chinese Vancouverites blog, "The Ugly Chinese Canadian". No Ukrainians, no Dutch, no Irish, no German and certainly no Spanish or god forbid the blond haired ultra white Scandinavians. Yes sir, they must all certainly be "Colonial British" for there is no diversity among white faces, at least it seems according to Yu.
I and a few others could not believe I was reading this or worse, it was not being responded to by other members of the Vancouver Chinese Community in a negative light because after all, if a white person said of
Maybe in the eighties and nineties perspectives like Yu's were new and a valuable way of looking at the formation of Canada by breaking the centuries old white male defined world but what Yu is now doing is pushing past the definition of multiculturalism or even the mandate of the feminist writers who he predictably aligns himself with. (Just check out his latest book - "How Tiger Woods lost his stripes.") The lack of perspective in Yu's message is verging on propaganda and it does have a purpose. No one seems to be considering that this Professor Yu might have his own agenda; that he is not providing unbiased history, but biased history and that we are selling the history and future of our country for a song, a bad one at that.
To give you another example of Yu'ian work and rhetoric lets look at his piece: "Is
Yu rests much of his rhetoric, that Canada and the British founded Canada were racist, on the Vancouver race riots of 1907, the exclusion act and head tax placed upon the early Asian immigration to Canada, the Komagata Maru incident and the treatment of aboriginal cultures. Why stop there, even recently I was told the deeds of the houses in the British Properties, a well to do neighborhood of West Van have a out of date clause in some of them forbidding the ownership of those properties by Jewish, Chinese or Indian Canadians. Well faux pas indeed considering that with
But acknowledging that would not be worth a dime. Nor would it earn him respect from the community Yu is promoting in his work. Yu judges late 19 century
Certainly by todays standards in
The formation of
In revisiting Yu's own opening paragraph in his article "
" There is a not - so - quiet revolution going on here every bit as important as that which transformed Quebec a half century ago, even if Anglophone journalists and commentators of this city and our nation seem oblivious to it's consequences."
Say no more My Yu. Say no more.
Some might say he is only referring the issue of language as most of his article dwells on this topic but as any historian knows, language is the underpinning of nationhood and culture and language is the underpinning for the separatist movement in
Professor Yu is making a veiled reference to
On our present course and with the media, arts and education of the west coast financed by those with similar interests to Mr Yu, this is indeed Canada's future unless the government of Canada seeks to counter Yu'ian rhetoric with a more objective history of this land, one that does not vilify our British heritage at every chance it gets.
But here is the clincher. In raising the vague specter of Asian separatism in
After all, according to Mr Yu's own threat of emerging Asian separatism, the colonial government of
The so called racist policies of colonial
If the British had not prevented massive early immigration, as Yu himself now points out with his own threats, it is unlikely
Does Yu somehow think that if early British Canada had allowed unchecked Asian immigration at the beginning of the 19th century, that those immigrants would not have also threatened as Yu is doing today, the specter of separation lest they get their way?
Of course racism existed in the eighteen hundreds and nineteen hundreds, it still exists, more so in other countries than in
If the British had stopped their colonization of
Is Mr Yu really suggesting that
Empirical Evidence:
If you look at the world today and you have all the evidence you need. Empirical (excuse the pun) evidence shows that there are very few countries in the world that champion human rights, freedom of speech, women's rights and minority rights. Those countries all imperfect have been a long time in the making. They are the United Kingdom of Great Britain,
Have you noticed anything in common yet folks. Oh yes, where not
Yu and those who are pro Chinese frequently point to the wisdom of Chinese culture with its long patriarchal lines passing down wealth and knowledge from one generation to the next but if this is so, how can modern
As mentioned, Mr Yu and those who are pushing his agenda appeal to every other to the white male in
The British heritage in
The critical omissions of Mr Yu.
If Mr Yu's and everyone else who today seek to portray the British as evil racist colonizers are to have credibility, they have to also assume that any other group would have done things differently at that period in history. The truth is, this is not very likely at all.
Mr. Yu, in judging late 18th century
That is not to say the
I believe what helped the British to be the first of the great nations to evolve out of racism was the fact that it's soldiers travelled in great numbers over seas to protect its empire. In the process they quickly learned of all the faults and horror the white man could inflict on the world and also the horrors of other cultures and peoples too; but also benefits. War, it seems, was the greatest social mixer of the twentieth century. Also notably, when we look at countries where their war time populations did not travel in great numbers over sea, we still see the most flagrant cases of racism and xenophobia. Coincidence?
The bottom line is, if Yu is suggesting that British Canada acted differently from how any other nation would have acted in the world of 1907, he is lying. But then, Yu and the new
Creating the other:
Like the self titled website "The Ugly Chinese Canadian", which seeks to drum up pity for itself, Yu uses a subtle "us vs. them" language that makes it seem like he is speaking for all Canadians and that it is the British who are the outsiders in Canada. If Yu is really fighting for a better
Mr. Yu is the grandson of Chinese immigrants to
All the more ironic then that by threatening a separatist western
Julia Lovell writes in her Blog China Beat
"But the most convincing gloss on today’s patriotic distemper presents it as a substantially state-engineered phenomenon, rooted in one of the Communist Party’s most successful post-Mao political crusades: Patriotic Education. Searching for a new state religion around which the country could rally after the bloodshed of 1989, the Party skillfully reinvented itself through the 1990s as defender of the national interest against Western attempts to contain a rising
Yu is merely the new spokes person for the Chinese government message now within
But Yu, he cannot lash out at that. It seems to me that within Chinese culture you are not suppose to question your own and it has a great deal of pride which deals harshly with anyone speaking out against it. In
While wrapping himself in the Canadian flag as someone speaking out for multiculturalism and the Chinese heritage in
In his writings he wraps this message in any and every form of academia to cloak it claiming that BC's language laws are racist, its demographics are racist, its immigration laws are racist, the media is racist and of course it's politics are racist. He even goes so far as to say in “Is Vancouver the Past or the Future”, that when Vancouver passed a law to forbid new home owners from cutting down trees, that that too was racist because he perceived that as aimed squarely at Chinese who don't like trees on their property. Is there anything else Mr. Yu?
This from a Princeton PhD and a professor at UBC but then again, it is not without precedent for academics to engage in the intellectual orgasm of mass manipulation; Joseph Geobbles was also a PhD.
It seems clear to me that according to Yu, anyone who opposed the Chinese community’s perspective as defined by him is a racist. It also seems clear to me that that is exactly what the professor himself is verging on being if not already. Let’s be specific, a great actor, Edward James Olmos said, "There is only one race, the human race." I am sure Yu has many white friends. He just is on a mission to humiliate the British and their Canadian descendants. He hates that the British and Canadians frequently take his homeland and culture to task on human rights and that they made his grandparents feel unwelcome. All his motivation can be reduced to his clan vs. my clan. If so, how far have we really evolved if we listen to him?
Yu is also reminding us that in a democracy, united by the emotionalist teachings of agenda laden historians like Yu, what were ill informed interest groups yesterday can unite tomorrow and the things we hold dear can be changed; names of places, symbols, ways of government, alliances, history, things that seem to mean so little in the age of money but actually mean so much. He is actually thumbing his nose at Canadian multi-culturalism saying "Look what I can do to you, I can manipulate you." He is showing us that
It is a shame that this is the way of things. That people are so ready to embrace his hate as progressive and for a paycheck when really it’s a dead end. What Yu and the cult he is cultivating won't ever admit to or look at is that we British Canadians have a love far greater for the human aspects of Chinese and Asian culture than hate it even if Yu seeks to portray the reverse. Yu simply seeks to transfer his hate onto us. All you have to do is take a walk to the
My graduation picture from UBC was taken beside the statue of The Goddess of Democracy because I was so moved by and never want to forget the
That is the real
When Yu asks why we Anglophones seem oblivious, as he puts it, why we don't do more, why we don't speak out against his threats of attack on our culture well maybe Mr. Yu, we are not as racist as you hoped; maybe we like plurality, maybe we just want the respect that is due along with your slanted version of events, or maybe at least in Vancouver BC where big money and big gangs from Asia run the show (more often than not carefully behind their front men) we are just too afraid of the repercussions. Boy then, ain't I a big dumb gweilo.
Replacing Ivy with Bamboo
Ya know, I was walking through
I could not help but l remark at a couple of the statues, that I had never seen fingers held up behind the head like devil horns to represent ecstatic joy; and then it occurred to me, Chinese slang for white people, Gweilo, Foreign Devil.
Even I had to laugh. It was a very good joke if you knew where to look and had a knowledge of Chinese culture and language. No wants to believe that racism and hate can be re-imagined, reinvented, regurgitated or re-embraced. Not when we in
But it can.
Sometimes it's staring at you right in the face.
So who is the racist now, is it me , or Yu?

Essay by Henry Yu: Is
The victem culture blog: The Ugly Chinese Canadian
Quick Reference on Opium War
The Blog:
CBC article: Minorities to rise significantly by 2030.
Welcome to the British British Columbian. This blog will be one part the perspective and opinion of a British Canadian living in the wonderful Pacific Northwest and one part survival guide for other Brits living here.